
Headland Montessori ELC - Waiting List Application

Enrolment process for Headland Montessori ELC:

  1. Fill in the online waiting list application form, a confirmation message will be sent to your email address.
  2. We will assess your application based on availability, priority access and date/time of your submission.
  3. We will send you the placement offer letter by email with the relevant enrolment/agreement forms attached.
Enrolment Manly

Other information to assist in processing:

Parent 1

Parent 2 - Optional

Family Address details

Child 1

Child 2 - Optional

Bus service required:

Additional Information

The information and personal details you provide on this Enrolment Form may contain personal information that identifies you or other people for the purposes of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. This Act provides for the protection of personal information and the privacy of individuals.


Submission of this form does not constitute a guaranteed placement of your child at this centre
Priority of access is determined by compliance with regulatory requirements; after that in order of date of receipt of this form
It is your responsibility to advise the centre of any changes to the information provided on this form.